What is College Prep Tracker?
CollegePrepTracker is designed to assist families and students in preparing for college admissions. It's an online tracking tool created to help you manage college prep course work and is accessible from any computer on the internet. You can also upload transcripts to have access to them at anytime.
Get started today and signup now for free.
Taking an AP or IB class gives me College Credit!You can’t take college classes until you graduate high school!
How does it Work?
Students or parents need to request a transcript from their school counselor. Once you have the transcripts in hand, enter the course title and letter grade taken during the student’s grade level. Once you’ve entered all possible courses and grades, simply save your College Prep Tracker profile and it will start to calculate a new college admissions GPA (not applicable to all colleges). The re-calculation is only for those students currently in high school (grades 9th – 12th). Middle school students can use the form to begin to plan for taking college prep course work.Who Should Use College Prep Tracker?
Any middle or high school student planning to attend a four year university should use College Prep Tracker. College Prep Tracker is not only a place to help you manage your academic and extracurricular activities, but we also provide general college admissions information that will assist students to get into most, if not all colleges. Whether you are an honor student, or a student who is taking the basic college prep course work, our recommendations can help give you an edge in the admissions process.We operate much like independent admissions counselors where we can guide you through your college preparation curriculum, advise you on hi-lighting your extracurricular activities, and help you write your personal statement.
Bet You Didn’t Know!
Middle School Students (6th, 7th, 8th grades)
Most competitive students are preparing for college admissions while in middle school. Families are starting as early as 7th grade. Sign up today to learn how you can start preparing in middle school right now.
High School Students (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grades)
Most admissions offices will recalculate your GPA for your college prep course work. In some cases your GPA will be higher, but in many cases it will be lower than your high school GPA. Find out how and why most admissions offices recalculate GPA’s for admissions purposes. Sign Up today!
Become More Competitive in the Admissions Process!
Most students and their families are never informed about how they can complete as many as 40 college credit units/hours while in high school. As former admissions counselors we have seen the most competitive students in the admissions process complete in upwards of 40 semester credit hours/units. It’s not as difficult as you might think. In fact it’s achievable by most. Sign up today to have access to this valuable information.
Independent Counselor - Admissions Advice!
College Prep tracker provides FREE admissions advice to students and parents that some independent counselors charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for. High school counselors are simply, too busy, or to biased, to advise students and families on this much needed information.
As former admissions counselors with some of the most competitive institutions, we know that the main reason that many students and parents are not prepared for the admissions process, is because of a lack of information. College admissions requirements typically remain the same from year to year, but in order to gain a competitive advantage students and parents need to know the small details that could make a difference in getting into your first college choice and perhaps qualifying for scholarship money. Sign up with us today and learn the inside information that many top students and their families used to gain entry into Americas most competitive universities.
Notice: Our recommendations do no guarantee entry into any college, but will provide you an excellent road map to achieving your college admissions goals and make you more competitive. Feel free to contact us with any questions. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.
Get started today and signup now for free.
- To Manage and Store Your College Prep Courses
- Safely Keep Track of Your Academic & Extracurricular Activities Online
- Create a College Resume Using Our College Prep Tracker Form
- Hi-Light Your Extracurricular activities and Stand Out From the Rest
- Measure Your Academic Progress